Monitoramento do ponto de montagem Linux


#                Mount Point Monitoring                         #
#                                                               #
# Ultima revisao:    14/03/2019 por César Carvalho              #
#                                                               #

#### Clear File used by Zabbix ####
> /tmp/check_montagem.log
#### Verification that the mount point is OK ####
export MOUNT=//
if grep -qs $MOUNT /proc/mounts; then
   echo "ok" > /tmp/check_montagem.log # File used for monitoring by zabbix
   # If the directory is not assembling it will assemble
   /sbin/mount.cifs // /backup_remoto -o user,username=bkp_oracle,uid=oracle,rw,password=12345678,
   if grep -qs $MOUNT /proc/mounts; then
      echo "ok" > /tmp/check_montagem.log # File used for monitoring by zabbix else
      echo "erro" > /tmp/check_montagem.log # File used for monitoring by zabbix else

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